Sunday, June 17, 2007


Which is worse, to cheat with a kiss, or to cheat with, how would you say, bedding, but no kissing? - Ryan

This is difficult. It's kinda like in Pretty Woman, where she says she doesn't kiss on the mouth, because it's too personal or whatever.

In my opinion, bedding without kissing is worse. Bedding implies that there's deeper desire and/or sincere feelings than just kissing. You can kiss someone you hate, but chances are, you're not going to want to sleep with them. And if your significant other has feelings for the person they are cheating with, then that just brings the cheating to a whole new horrible level.

Also, kissing can't get you pregnant, no matter what your mother and grandmothers try to tell you. =D


Anonymous said...

I heard "Pretty Woman" was written by a real hooker, a descendant of Frida Kahlo, who had the script stolen by a client.

Unknown said...

I heard no such thing, but then again, I don't really research the history of "Pretty Woman", so it could be true. lol