Sunday, June 17, 2007

If Pocahontas Ruled the World...

My first question comes from my dear friend, Travis.

If you could rule the world, what would you do and what would it be like? - Travis

If I could rule the world, there would be no "real guns". Why? Because it's simple: yeah, it can be fun to aim a gun and shoot stuff -- but why not just get a BB gun? So, if you need a real gun, it just means that you wanna kill stuff. And you shouldn't want to kill stuff. And if you wanna be tough with fists, the way nature intended, dammit.

Another thing I would do is make sure every school taught music. A lot of schools don't, and it's a shame, because music is awesome. I like music. I can listen to it all day.

And you know how in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, they're like "be excellent to each other". Well, I'd enforce that. Because people usually aren't excellent to each other and that just has to stop. It hurts my head.

I would also make record players more common. I miss record players. They were/are awesome. Music just sounds better that way...I don't know why.

In my world, parents would also be parents. The Baby Boomers could learn a thing or two in my world.

And I would enforce social/dating/mating etiquette. I really would. And if any man talks to a woman disrespectfully, he gets to take classes on how to treat women with respect.

I could go on and on, but that's the stuff that came to my mind just then. =D


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